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New Article: Technical Challenges Faced During Content Migrations

Over the years at ArgonDigital, we have helped lots of clients migrate documents and other data from file systems, databases, and legacy systems into the content management systems we help them design, develop, and deploy. We call these efforts “Content Migrations”, and we have an entire Content Migrations practice area devoted to helping our clients perform these migrations quickly and effectively.

“Why does Blue Fish need an entire practice focused on Content Migrations?” you may ask. After all, the concept seems pretty straightforward. But these migrations can be a lot harder than than they look. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had clients budget a week or two for their migration only for it to remain incomplete months later.

Pete Nevin, one of the consultants in our Content Migrations practice, just published an article detailing some of the common pitfalls we see companies make when they try to tackle a migration. The article is called Technical Challenges Faced During Content Migrations, and it discusses the typical approach most people use when performing a content migration along with several things to watch out for in each step of the process.

New Article: Technical Challenges Faced During Content Migrations

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