ArgonDigital’s methodology includes the use of a requirements tool whenever possible to manage software requirements. Since finding the most useful tool is critical, ArgonDigital did a ton of research to assist in your requirements management tool selection and adoption. We evaluated these tools for our own use, as well as for client use, and have since chose to share our methods and findings with the larger business analysis community.
Whether you are currently using a requirements tool or are in the consideration phase of using a particular tool, we hope you find this information useful. There are more than 100 requirements tools on the market, and finding the best tool for your needs requires a comprehensive evaluation of the many options available.
At ArgonDigital, we are particularly interested in advanced modeling functionality within the tools to support our Requirements Modeling Language (RML®), the visual modeling language we use for defining all of our software requirements. Compared to earlier requirements tools research we completed in 2011, there are a number of tools that now support RML®, and there is also better support now in general for working offline.
Here are a few resources that may help you evaluate which requirements tools are best for your organization: