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Webinar Sept. 21 – Tool vs. Process: Which Comes First?

Considering whether to update (or finally define) your requirements best practices? Considering whether or not you need a requirements management tool? Do you want to avoid rework and the wasteful “unlearning curve” later? If so, this webinar is for you.

Tool vs. Process: Which Comes First?
When: September 21, 2011, 12:00PM-1:00PM CT
Click here to register.

Joy Beatty, VP Research & Development at ArgonDigital, is going to compare the reasons to start with the requirements process as compared to why you might start with the requirements tool, highlighting some non-obvious ways to think through this decision.

During Tool vs. Process: Which Comes First?, she’ll recommend which approach to use—tool first or process first—and will follow her recommendation with tips and approaches to deal with common challenges.

At the end of the webinar, Joy will share a free take-away, a copy of ArgonDigital’s recent requirements management tool research. That research includes reviews of 16 tools against 200 criteria, and is set up so you can manipulate the priorities for your own tool selection decision.

The webinar is hosted by eDev Technologies, and is part of their Requirements Leadership Forum lecture series.

Register now!

Webinar Sept. 21 – Tool vs. Process: Which Comes First?

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