It was exciting and an honor to attend the 25th Anniversary annual INCOSE international symposium in Seattle, WA. It was great connecting with old friends and clients as well as meeting new systems engineers. The paper presentations were very interesting. The keynote speakers were great, communicating how fast the SE world is changing and the challenges systems engineers face in developing future systems given these challenges. Many of those visiting our booth expressed issues they are having with requirement development and management in this changing environment given the trends towards managing requirement data sets vs managing requirement documents as well as the need to streamline the product development life cycle. We are looking forward to working with our clients to meet these challenges. RE also met with several vendors and consulting firms to discuss partnering opportunities. We are looking forward to working with out new partners.
How We Use AI to Write Requirements
At ArgonDigital, we’ve been writing requirements for 22 years. I’ve watched our teams waste hours translating notes into requirements. Now, we’ve cut the nonsense with AI. Our teams can spend