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Some Keyboard Shortcuts and Tips for Tools Commonly Used for Software Requirements

I have been collecting some keyboard shortcuts and tips over the last few months for tools I use frequently for software requirements work.  I recently posted these to our intranet and thought I would share them on our ArgonDigital Blog.

Requirements Analysts use many tools but among the most commonly used are Excel, Visio and Word. Frequent users of these tools will be familiar with many of these keyboard shortcuts, but take a look anyway. You may find a useful keyboard shortcut that is new to you. I am currently running Microsoft Office 2007 for Excel, Word and Visio and Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002, but many of these keyboard shortcuts have been around longer than the 2007 version of Microsoft Office.

In the tables below, I use “+” to mean “simultaneously”. For example, “Ctrl + C” means “hold the Control key and the C key down simultaneously”.


TAG Shortcut To Do….
Shortcut F1 Help
Shortcut F4 Repeat last command (E.g. use after inserting a new row)
Shortcut F7 Spell Check
Shortcut Ctrl + 1 Display the Format Cells dialog box
Shortcut Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough selected text
Shortcut Ctrl + A Select ALL — from current position to BOF and EOF. Note that a blank row will be interpreted by Excel as BOF or EOF.
Shortcut Ctrl + F Bring up Find/Replace dialog box.
Shortcut Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Shortcut Home Key Return to the beginning of the row
Shortcut Ctrl + ; (semicolon) Enter the date
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + : (colon) Enter the time
Shortcut Alt + ‘ (apostrophe) Find out about the style within the cell. (Note: cell must have data)
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + ~ Apply the general number format
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + $ Turn numbers into dollars
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + % Make numbers a percentage


TAG Shortcut To Do….
Shortcut F1 Help
Shortcut F5 Full screen mode
Shortcut F6 Toggle through Open Active Shapes Menu
Shortcut F7 Spell Check
Shortcut Ctrl + F Bring up Find dialog box
Shortcut Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Tip   Customize Tool Bars:
1. Go to Tools Menu
2. Select Customize
3. Drag command or menu to a tool bar.Recommendation: Add commonly used alignment and grouping commands to tool bar.
Bug Workaround   Problem: Ctrl-C of a diagram will often not correctly copy to Word the box and line attributes such as color and line width.Workaround: Use the Menu -> Edit -> Copy Drawing command.



TAG Shortcut To Do….
Shortcut Win Logo Key +L Lock Computer:Equivalent to  CTRL-Alt-Del and then selecting “Lock Computer”
Shortcut Alt + Tab Brings up “Alt-Tab” dialog to switch between open applications in clockwise order. Keep tabbing while holding the Alt key to select application once Alt key is released.If you add the Shift Key during the above, the order reverses to counter-clockwise.


TAG Shortcut To Do….
Shortcut F1 Help
Shortcut F4 Repeat last command
Shortcut F5 Bring up Find/Replace/Go To dialog
Shortcut F7 Spell Check
Shortcut Shift + Arrow Key orEnd Key or Left Mouse Select a range of text:
Shift +  Any Arrow key — selects from cursor in direction of arrow key strike(s)
Shift + End Key — selects from cursor to end of line
Shift + Left Mouse key — selects from cursor to new mark set by Left Mouse key
Shortcut Left Mouse Key double-click Select word containing cursor
Shortcut Left Mouse Key triple-click Select paragraph containing cursor
Shortcut Ctrl + A Select all the text within your document
Shortcut Ctrl + F Bring up Find/Replace/Go To dialog
Shortcut Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Shortcut Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Shortcut Ctrl + V Paste selected text
Shortcut Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Shortcut Ctrl + B Bold text of word containing cursor
Shortcut Ctrl + I Italicize text of word containing cursor
Shortcut Ctrl + U Underline text of word containing cursor
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease font size of word containing cursor
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + > Increase font size of word containing cursor
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F, then use the arrowkeys or left mouse key to reach the new font Change font
Shortcut Ctrl + Enter Create page break
Shortcut Ctrl + W Close a document
Shortcut Ctrl + S Save a document
Shortcut Ctrl + P Print a document
Shortcut Alt + Ctrl + I Preview what you’re about to print
Shortcut Ctrl + Alt + M insert comment
Shortcut Shift + F3 Word capitalization — This is a 3 way toggle of selected text: no caps, cap first letter, all caps
Shortcut Ctrl + A then F9 To update all fields in a document:
Select All (Ctrl + A or click ‘Select All’ on the Edit menu) and then press F9. This will regenerate all fields including TOC, tables of figures and all cross-references in the document.
Bug workaround   Problem: Sometimes the Spell checker gets stuck using a ‘French’ Dictionary when the language used is English:Workaround:
1. Control Panel -> Regional Language Options -> check that all options set to English
2. In Word: Review Menu -> Proofing section -> Set Language Icon -> set to English and set default.
3. If #2 doesn’t work, then Select entire document and do it again. (Word can support a different spell check language per paragraph)
Bug workaround   Custom Caption labels do not persist across sessions.Problem: If you have created custom caption labels (e.g. Model, Use Case, DAR), Word does NOT save the custom labels across sessions. You don’t lose existing items tagged with these custom labels when you re-open your Word doc, but you won’t be able to add additional figures labeled with the custom label and you also can’t find them by type in the cross-reference list.

Workaround: You must insert a dummy entry somewhere in your document (recommend put at very end) for each custom label you wish to use to label additional figures or to add additional cross-references. This will force Word to add the label to the Captions label drop-down list and also the cross-reference insert list.  Remember to delete the dummy entries.

Some Keyboard Shortcuts and Tips for Tools Commonly Used for Software Requirements

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