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Creating Customer Attributes in Magento 2 Enterprise

Custom Customer Attributes are a powerful feature in Magento Enterprise, customizing your customer data allows your business to capture unique customer information in order to better serve your customer base. They can be added to the Customer Registration, Customer Account Edit, and Admin Checkout forms. You can also use custom customer attributes to refine the conditions in cart price rules so you can increase the specificity of your targeted promotions.

One (of the many) benefits of Magento 2 Enterprise Edition is the ability for a Magento Administrator to add custom Customer Attributes based on their unique business needs. Magento Commerce provides a complete interface for creating and managing customer attributes, while Magento Open Source requires additions or updates to customer attributes to be handled by a developer either in the database directly or through upgrade scripts. Magento Commerce makes it easy for your Magento Administrator. With a little know-how, you’ll be managing your business’ customer data like a pro.

Tutorial: Creating Customer Attributes in Magento 2 Enterprise Edition

Steps for Creating Customer Attributes in Magento 2 Enterprise Edition

Add a new Customer Attribute

  1. Open Magento Admin
  2. Navigate to Stores -> Attributes -> Customer
  3. Select Add New Attribute button
  4. On the Properties Tab, enter Attribute Information. In our case we used…
    Default Label: Customer Notes
    Attribute Code: bfg_notes
    Input Type: Textarea
    Show on Storefront: Yes
    Sort Order: 1
    Forms to Use in: Customer Registration, Customer Account Edit, Admin Checkout
    Note: For all other properties not mentioned we left the default value
  5. Click Save Attribute button

Test Customer Attribute Results in Magento Admin

  1. Navigate to Customers -> All Customers
  2. Select Edit link on an Existing Customer
  3. When the Customer information opens, select Account Information tab on the left
  4. Your new Customer Attribute should appear in the attribute list

Test Customer Attribute Results on Your Website

  1. Clear Cache (in Magento Admin first)
  2. Navigate to your Website and refresh the Home Page
  3. Select Create New Account
  4. Your new Customer Attribute should appear on the Account Registration page

Magento 2 Commerce’s Custom Customer Attribute feature puts a lot of power in the hands of your Magento Administrator. The possibilities are limitless. Hope this was helpful!

Please reach out if you have any questions on Creating Customer Attributes in Magento 2 or any other Magento Related topics.

Creating Customer Attributes in Magento 2 Enterprise

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