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DFC Query Manager

DFC Query Manager

What is it?

The Query Manager in DFC is found in the package
com.documentum.fc.client.qb. Its package documentation says simply
“Provides interfaces to construct and run complex queries and
SmartLists.”. Now, most programmers who have worked in any way with
DFC have at some point constructed and executed a query, without
feeling an overwhelming need to be supported by a management
infrastructure. So, since it clearly exists, what is it and what is it

Working with DFC can be a voyage of discovery, and for many the Query
Manager may appear to be further than they may need to travel. After
all, DFC provides any number of facilities to perform, execute and
analyse queries without complicating the situation by using some kind
of ‘manager’ to control things. However it would be a mistake to
dismiss the QueryManager out-of-hand, since a little digging can
unearth a number of useful facilities that could actually make things
easier, not harder.

The first clue that the Query Manager may not be all that it seems
comes from its package name. As noted, it is ‘qb’. Not ‘qm’, as might
have been expected. ‘QB’ would be a more appropriate choice for a
Query Builder package – and on closer inspection that is what a lot of
the Query Manager is for – building queries. Managing queries,
although important, is not the main purpose of the package.

What is wrong with using IDfQuery?

Most programmers with some experience of DFC will have composed code
along the following lines:

IDfQuery query = new DfQuery();
IDfCollection collection = null;
try {
query.setDQL("select r_object_id from dm_sysobject where object_name = 'my_document' and folder('/Temp')");
collection = query.execute(iDfSession, IDfQuery.DF_READ_QUERY);
while ( {
IDfId id = collection.getId("r_object_id");
// do something useful on the returned id
} finally {
if (collection != null) {
collection = null;

There is nothing hidden, no complexity. For simple queries there is
little to beat it. However, there is at least one point that might
give pause for thought. That is, it is not possible to tell how much
time may elapse while executing the query. Also, even if we know that
it is going to be a long time, there is nothing that we can do to make
use of that time. The code will block inside the call to
query.execute, until all of the results have been returned.

A second point would be that the results of the query are consumed
very close to the point where they are returned. If the underlying
system actually required several modules to collaborate on the
construction of the query and the analysis of the results, then the
code would become a lot more complex. Certainly the method would need
to be able to determine all of the modules that were interested in the
results, which may not be easy to achieve, and that might not always
be the same set of modules that built the query in the first place.

Following this line a bit further, the very nature of queries makes
them hard to share. They are DQL statements, dressed up in an
object-oriented framework. Now, to even a moderately experienced DQL
user, the two queries:

select r_object_id from dm_sysobject
where object_name = 'my_document' and folder('/Temp')


select r_object_id from dm_sysobject
where folder('/Temp') and object_name = 'my_document'

are essentially the same. However, writing a piece of program that
will confirm this is quite hard. A more complex query, possibly
featuring more than a single object type and a more complicated set of
logical conditions makes the task sufficiently difficult that
alternative approaches may need to be adopted.

Finally, many user interfaces are fashioned to present some
pre-composed queries to the user that can then be customized according
to the task that the user wishes to perform. Where the user is fluent
in DQL this is not a problem – but this is not always the
case. Further, these same user interfaces frequently want to allow the
user to save their customized queries for subsequent reloading,
additional customization and reuse. For applications with interface
requirements along these lines, treating queries as simple strings is
going to present problems.

What does the Query Manager offer?

The Query Manager, as previously observed, presents a substantial
number of methods for building and examining queries. These facilities
are tailored to situations where several independent modules are
collaborating on the construction of a query. After all, when only a
single module is interested in both the construction of the query and
the analysis of the results, IDfQuery objects are more than
satisfactory. So rather than handing around an IDfQuery object, an
IDfQueryMgr object is used in its place. Each callee in the list is
able to determine whether its own particular requirements for the
query under construction have been met, and can make additions as

Also, each module that is interested in the returned result set can
register its interest. By implementing the Observer pattern, the Query
Manager can support any number of such modules without the need to
construct any complex infrastructure. As is often the case with
Observer patterns, the observer itself may be implemented as a
separate thread, with the Query Manager handling all of the
synchronization issues that are often time-consuming to get right.

The Query Manager also provides facilities to avoid blocking within
the execution of the query. This means that processing can continue,
even in the same thread that is performing the query, while execution
proceeds. If the results are distributed by means of Observers then
there may not be any reason to poll the query to see whether it has

The Query Manager even provides the facility to compose and execute a
query that is addressed to more than one respository. This can allow
the underlying distributed data model to be hidden from the upper
layers of the application, without requiring too much fancy footwork
at the actual point of implementation.

Lastly, the Query Manager allows queries to be stored in the local
filesystem for subsequent reuse. This facility allows applications
much more flexibility that would otherwise be available in presenting
a personalized, customizable set of searches to the user.

And the bad news?

The Query Manager is a useful tool; the issue is knowing when to use
it. Clearly there is a cost associated with learning about its
facilities and cutting over to using it. In addition, there is a
recurring cost that can arise from using it for situations where it
simply adds inefficiency. It has been known – in fact it was the
motivation for this article – for programmers to use the Query Manager
to construct a query, kick it off and then poll until the results were
returned. This scenario was repeated several times per second. The
users of the application were at a loss as to why performance was so

The Query Manager places an abstraction on top of one of the most
flexible objects in java – the String. If something expressible in DQL
then it can be written into a IDfQuery object. However, it does not
follow that an equivalent query can be built using the facilities
provided by the Query Manager.

In addition, the Query Manager performs a number of
‘behind-the-scenes’ operations that can result in unexpected traffic
between the client and the repository. For example, the
xmlns:xsi=””>setObjectType() method will verify that the specified object type is,
in fact, available in the targetted repositories. This information is
not cached – it is refetched for every Query Manager instance.

As always, a good guideline is to keep things as simple as
possible. When deciding whether to use the Query Manager, consider
whether the requirements of the application justify making use of the
more heavyweight solution.

An unexpected bonus

The Query Manager allows additional information to be communicated
within the query, so modules that construct queries may provide
display details to other modules whose function is to display the
results. This is done within the Query Manager object. Attributes that
are to be returned by the query are divided into two groups –
displayed and hidden. Attributes that are configured to be displayable
are accompanied by a ‘width’ parameter. This value (by convention) is
used to inform the display module the field width that should be used
for presenting the information to the user.

Attributes that are not necessarily for display are ‘hidden’. They may
be recovered from the Query Manager object, by using a different set
of methods. This makes the task of synchronizing information across
multiple, independent modules more straitforward.

How to use it

While recognizing that queries can take many forms and perform many
different activities, the large majority are of the common or garden
‘select’ variety. The Query Manager appears to address only this
type of query.

Also, the Query Manager can be quirky to handle in that many of its
methods do not return any indication of whether the operation was
sucessful or not. Such “silent failures” can lead to a good deal of

Getting started

As is common within DFC, the objects that are handed around as
IDfQueryMgr objects are actually interfaces. The concrete
implementations are elsewhere in the package, in this case
DfQueryMgr. So to instantiate a fresh object:

IDfQueryMgr queryManager = new DfQueryMgr();

The most essential component of the newly constructed object is the
default session with which it is to be associated. This is attached:


A useful debugging tool when working with Query Manager objects is the
xmlns:xsi=””>getDQL() method – this displays what is currently built.

Controlling the information to be returned

The specification of the types of values to be returned by the query
is controlled by inserting and removing attributes. There are two
distinct kinds of attributes – display and hidden. These names –
display and hidden – are assigned by Documentum. They may be usefully
thought of as ‘markers’, rather than as defining the purpose of each
attribute. There is nothing intrinsic in either type that makes it
unsuitable for general purpose use. Each ‘marker’ has its own set of
methods for administration.

Adding a Display Attribute

So, to add a ‘display’ attribute:

queryManager.insertDisplayAttr(-1, "object_name", 20);

By convention, the value -1 indicates that the new attribute should be
appended to the existing list. Since this is a display attribute, the
method allows a display width value to be supplied. This value can be
retrieved after the query has been executed.

Calling the xmlns:xsi=””>getDQL() method at this point returns:

SELECT object_name AS "object_name" FROM dm_document

Note that the object type, dm_document, has been assigned by the
system as a default value. It can be overridden in due course.

Adding a Hidden Attribute

To add a ‘hidden’ attribute to the existing query:

queryManager.insertHiddenAttr(-1, "title");

Again, this value is appended to the list. Our query has now become (in DQL):

SELECT object_name AS "object_name", title as "title" FROM dm_document

Removing an Attribute

Attributes may be removed from the query under construction. This is
done through the xmlns:xsi=””>removeDisplayAttrs() and xmlns:xsi=””>removeHiddenAttrs()
methods. These methods remove a range of attributes, allowing the
program to remove some or all of a particular kind of attribute in a
single operation. This involves determining the actual index that has
been assigned to an attribute – this can be done by iterating through
the set of attributes using the xmlns:xsi=””>getDisplayAttrCount(),
xmlns:xsi=””>getDisplayAttr(index) and similar methods.

Since removing an attribute may affect the index values of any other
attributes in the set, it is safer to iterate through the set of
attributes to determine the target indexes, then perform the removal.

Controlling the Object Type

Although the system has provided a default value for the query, it is
better to explicitly specify the name of the type in which we are
interested. [This also protects against the ‘default’ value ever
changing, thereby potentially breaking the query.]


The query has now become:

SELECT object_name, title FROM dm_sysobject

Controlling the ‘WHERE’ clause

The various components of a ‘where’ clause are controlled through
IDfAttrLine objects. These objects contain (usually) an attribute, a
relational operator and one or more values. They may also be joined
together with logical operators to build up more complex conditions.

To make an AttrLine object, use the xmlns:xsi=””>insertAttrLine() method. This
method takes three int parameters; type, index and group. ‘type’ is
ignored [per the documentation] and ‘group’ performs no apparent
function. ‘index’ uses the same convention as above, where ‘-1’
indicates “append” and the use of any other (positive) value relies on
knowing what has gone before.

So, we will take the safe route and append our attrLine:

IDfAttrLine line = queryMgr.insertAttrLine(-1, -1, -1);

Inspection of the query at this point shows that the Query
Manager has made a modification on our behalf that was not necessarily

SELECT object_name, title FROM dm_sysobject WHERE ((a_is_hidden = FALSE))

However, so long as this isnt going to significantly affect us, we can
ignore it. What we were getting around to was restricting the values
that are to be returned by the query, through the ‘where’ clause. So,
we need to plug some values into the AttrLine object that we just
created. So:

==> results in
SELECT object_name, title FROM dm_sysobject WHERE (((r_modify_date between date('1/1/99')
and date('1/1/00'))) and (a_is_hidden = FALSE))

This is a piece of shorthand implemented by the Query Manager to allow
a range of values to be addressed. Of course, this could have been
done longhand, by specifying two ‘lines’ and joining them together
with a logical operator. As in:

attrLine.setLogicOp("and"); // glue the two lines together
IDfAttrLine attrLine2 = queryMgr.insertAttrLine(-1, -1, -1);
==> results in
SELECT object_name, title FROM dm_sysobject WHERE (((r_modify_date >= date('1/1/99'))
and (r_modify_date <= date('1/1/00'))) and (a_is_hidden = FALSE))


In addition to being able to control the attribute value components of
the where clause, the Query Manager also allows control of the
‘location’ components of the query. In fact, this is where some of the
additional power of the Query Manager comes in, because control of
location, achieved through IDfQueryLocation objects, can allow
concurrent querying of multiple repositories.

IDfQueryLocation objects are created in the usual manner, by appending
them to the existing query.

IDfQueryLocation location = queryMgr.insertLocation(-1); // append
==> results in
SELECT object_name, title FROM dm_sysobject WHERE (((r_modify_date >= date('1/1/99'))
and (r_modify_date <= date('1/1/00'))) and (a_is_hidden = FALSE)) AND (folder('/Temp', descend))

The query being constructed is becoming more complex. Interestingly,
the Query Manager has attached the location specifier to the previous
logical clause with the “and” operator. There does not appear to be
any way of avoiding this.

If we were constructing a query that could indeed search two
repositories concurrently, then we would append a second
IDfQueryLocation object to the query and specify its docbase by means
of a second IDfSession.

Running the Query

The xmlns:xsi=””>startSearch() method initiates the query. On constrast to IDfQuery
operations, this is not a blocking call and so useful processing can
be performed while the execution of the query proceeds.

queryMgr.startSearch(); // starting search

If the results are awaited in the same thread, the query will probably
need to be polled to completion by using the xmlns:xsi=””>isSearchedFinished()


In addition, and again in contrast to IDfQuery operations, it is also
possible to curtail the execution of a query through the xmlns:xsi=””>stopSearch()
method. This allows a user to intervene during excessively long
operations to stop them, rather than being forced to wait for a system
configured timeout to expire.


Analysing the Results

Once the query has been executed its results are available for
inspection. This is similar in style to the familiar methods used for
IDfQuery operations. However, since the Query Manager can reduce the
level of coupling between the construction and analysis of a query, it
also allows the analysing code to determine precisely what was
requested and what was returned.

The following code is a simple display routine, to separate the
results into ‘display’ and ‘hidden’. Note that, to be strictly
correct, the code should fetch all of the values as IDfValues and then
make a determination as to their data type, and so how they should be

int count = queryMgr.getResultItemCount();
if (count > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
IDfQueryResultItem item = queryMgr.getResultItem(i);
if (item != null) {
System.out.println("docbaseName: " + item.getDocbaseName());
IDfTypedObject typedObject = item.getTypedObject();
n = queryMgr.getDisplayAttrCount();
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
String valueName = queryMgr.getDisplayAttr(j);
System.out.println("display: " + valueName + ": " + typedObject.getString(valueName));
n = queryMgr.getHiddenAttrCount();
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
String valueName = queryMgr.getHiddenAttr(j);
System.out.println("hidden: " + valueName + " " + typedObject.getId(valueName).toString());

Preserving the Query

Finally, having constructed this query it seems a shame to simply
discard it. Instead we can preserve it on the local file system as follows:“/tmp/query”);

This results in the serialized representation of the query being
written out to the file system. This representation can be
subsequently loaded and reused via the xmlns:xsi=””>open() method.

The actual representation of the query in the file is:

DQLString=SELECT object_name, title FROM dm_sysobject WHERE (((r_modify_date >= date('1/1/99'))
and (r_modify_date <= date('1/1/00'))) and (a_is_hidden = FALSE)) AND (folder('/Temp', descend))

DFC Query Manager

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