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Alfresco Webinar: Trending Now

This week, we are looking forward to this Enterprise Content Management Trends & Transformation webinar with Alfresco’s Founder and CTO, John Newton and CEO, Bernadette Nixon. Together they’ll be looking back at the ECM innovations that occurred in 2018, discuss their predictions for trends in 2019, and discuss how to plan an ECM strategy that supports transformation. ECM has been in an exciting time of transition over the last few years as so much innovation has come to the space.

Creating Trends & Driving Transformation

Here are the topics we are hoping to hear more about on Wednesday’s webinar:

Artificial Intelligence

machine learningWe have seen the integration of AI into a few ECM platforms in the last couple of years. Some solutions now include the ability to scan documents and photos for content as well as auto-suggestions for categorizing that content, among many other machine-learning features. As the advancements in that area continue, we are looking forward to learning how Alfresco is prioritizing this in their offering.



The move to the cloud takes time, so many companies are currently utilizing a hybrid cloud model where some information is stored on the cloud with other information on site. As organizations transition, they recognize the benefits of flexibility, scalability, and reliability that come from cloud-based solutions. Having accessibility to shared information across departments is crucial for organizational efficiency so we expect to hear about a focus on seamless integration between systems utilizing cloud-based storage.

Information Governance


With the ease of accessibility that comes with the cloud, concerns about privacy continue to be an issue. Keeping information secure so that only those with proper permission have access to it is becoming increasingly important. We are curious to learn what protections Alfresco has incorporated into their platform to help companies remain compliant with current regulations.


Question mark

The webinar will end with a Live Q&A and we are curious to hear your questions. I’m personally interested in asking if there are any plans to develop an ECM platform that is mobile-friendly. So far, we haven’t seen a huge push in this area. However, with a society that is constantly on the move, the ability to work from anywhere at anytime and from any device is quickly becoming a necessity.

Webinar Details

Looking forward to seeing you in webinar!

Wednesday, Feb. 6th at 4pm GMT (8:00am PST).

Register here

Alfresco Webinar: Trending Now

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